Friday 25 April 2014

New target required

Well! it is fantastic to report that we have now shot past our new target of £2,000 and must thank everyone for their tremendous support, it is overwhelming to see how people have supported us, when so many others are asking for money for various charity events. 
We are now setting our sights on an incredible total of £3,000 to help find a cure for cancer as soon as possible.
Every penny we raise goes to Cancer Research UK, as we are funding the walk ourselves.
Once again thank you to everyone who has sponsored us so far.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Moor training

We spent Easter on Dartmoor.

We love our trips to Dartmoor and there can be no better c2c preparation for the North York Moors and is great for navigation practice .
Jane admires the Moors from the Tor while taking a rest from the long grass that really tires the legs.

As you venture into the Moors you find many crosses like this one, Nuns Cross with the now abandoned Nuns Cross farm just in the background.  The Nuns cross farm is now used as a camping barn for young explorers. I hope they don't wander to far and into Foxtor Mire!!!

 Deeper into the Moors still and we find Ducks Pool Memorial Letterbox

So we stamp the book with our stamp

 And then stamp our books with a copy of the stamp, to add to our collection of Letterbox stamps