Monday 16 June 2014

6 weeks to go

With only 6 weeks before our walk our total is now £3,450.
We are training every weekend and Sunday we walked the length of Cannock Chase and back. A route of approx 14 miles, so not too far compared to recent walks.
Kirsty navigates in a hope to improve her map reading and is surprised to find a small glacial rock shown on the map. Sadly the plaque inserted on the top has been removed so we have no idea why it is here.

Mind your step logs can be slippy.

We visited the German Military Cemetery which is a stark reminder that, while we are raising money to save lives, a few power mad people can destroy the lives of thousands of innocent humans. 

Near the end of our walk we walk through the grounds of Shugborough. Unfortunately we didn't have time to visit inside the house.

Once again many thanks for the many people who have sponsored us so far, WOW! keep it coming, who knows a total of £4k might just be possible.